Quality Assurance

With reference to cutting-edge models in the United States, KGU will establish the quality assurance system that meets international standards.
Learning Outcomes Assessment
KGU will participate, as an observer, in the Multi-State Collaborative launched by the Association of American Colleges and Universities and the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association with 9 state-university systems for developing new methods of assessing learning outcomes. Through this collaboration, KGU aims to incorporate the outcomes into our QA system.
Develop and implement results from IR on learning outcomes research
As a member of the University IR Consortium in Japan, KGU has been implementing study behavior research of all its undergraduate students. The research among its graduates on which the relationship of university education to practical skills after graduation has also been carried out in cooperation with companies. Following these implementations, KGU will design and introduce surveys of current students and graduates based on clear indicators: the results will be elaborately analyzed and then reflected in the University’s educational programs.
Create the portfolio that ensures international credibility
KGU will develop a unique portfolio applicable to all students following joint research with American researchers. The knowledge acquired from the existing portfolio for students who are participating in KGU’S ‘Active World Citizen’s Program’, a government subsidized educational program, will also be utilized in the newly developed portfolio.
Establish the tuning model
Together with researchers of Utah State University and in collaboration with industry and other universities, will implement research for establishing the ‘tuning’ model, an evidence–based assessment of learning outcomes.