Dual Endeavor Program

‘Dual Endeavor Program’, a new educational OS which will be applied to all students
‘Dual Endeavour Program’ translated as ‘Double-Challenge Program’ in Japanese, is a unique educational operating system which will be applied to all students enrolled in AY 2019 and later. Under the Program, composed of ‘Home-ground (studies at each department and major) and ‘Away-ground’, all students will be able to cultivate competences such as self-sufficiency, fortitude, and understanding of diversity.For the ‘Away-ground’, each student will be asked to choose a program from the following:

Away-ground 1
International Program
Away from homeland and see the world
‘International Program’ includes study abroad programs and on-campus international exchange programs. For details, click here
Away-ground 2
Minor Program
Away from own school and learn from other disciplines
The current Multidisciplinary Studies Program (minor programs) will be improved for widening academic pathways: the reform will expand opportunities for students to acquire multiple perspectives.
Away-ground 3
Hands-on Learning Program
Away from university and experience the real world
Hands-on Learning Program in the Dual Endeavor Program is the collective term of courses in which students can learn through the experiences in the real world such as active learning, service learning and project-based learning programs. Under the Global Academic Port initiative, the number of courses adopting the ‘Hands-on Learning’ approach will be expanded.