Gateway to the UN and int’l organizations

Cultivating human resources who realize ‘Mastery for Service’ at a high degree
The international society currently has great expectations for Japan to contribute to the world. However, considering the amount of financial contribution Japan has made to the United Nations, the number of Japanese employed as UN staff members is still far below the ‘desirable range’.
To tackle this challenge, KGU will systematically offer programs for cultivating future diplomats and staff of the United Nations, other international organizations, international cooperation agencies and NGOs.
The Graduate Course in UN and Foreign Affairs Studies, a minor program for graduate students, will be launched in 2017. The English-medium program, in which experienced lecturers will be intensively employed for its practical courses, will be jointly offered by multiple graduate schools of KGU. Internships will be compulsory for completing the program.
In addition, centers for supporting career formulation will be established in collaboration with the following external agencies such as the Recruitment Center for International Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan and the UN Global Compact Japan Network.
These implementations will present a new ‘KGU Model’ that fosters global leaders active in the global society.